Istilam company Logistics Servicesin perfumesand Cosmetics

About us

The market for perfumes and beauty products is witnessing a significant and accelerating growth , and companies are competing in providing the best services to their customers at the lowest possible costs . The perfume and beauty products industry requires knowledge and experience from all those involved in the logistics chains, such as warehousing and packaging, until they reach the customer.
From here came the launch of the business and services of the 'Istilam' company to meet the needs of perfume and beauty products companies, as a company that possesses the skills and special services required by the logistics of care products and perfumes, and as an added value for stores and electronic stores. This is to ensure sustainability And the competitiveness of companies working in this field, in terms of quality, while saving costs and time.








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Our services

variety of options of services that suit the needs of our customers in the various aspects and stages of their e-sales operations:

coding service:

At Istilam, we are keen to apply the latest technologies in the management of inventory, warehouses and supply chains , by creating integrated databases for each of our clients , including all of their products with their own coding , including products that may not contain a barcode.

Product Receipt Service:

full care, the specialized receiving team receives the goods and finalizes the related procedures from the customer's place, while carrying out sorting and inventory operations and ensuring their safety, quantities, sizes and information in full coordination with him.

Delivery to customers:

We guarantee you to “receive” distinctive deliveries of your products at a record speed , and high professionalism , and we are always keen to maintain a high and advanced level of quality, and to ensure our assistance in this, we have developed a service of evaluation of delivery representatives by our customers’ customers after they receive the products, to measure the extent of satisfaction And ensuring the continuous development of delivery operations.

Storage service:

Istilam is to provide appropriate and varied storage spaces that meet the needs of our customers, in which we are keen to provide the appropriate conditions and requirements for the protection and safety of products in accordance with the required safety and security requirements , and we have multiple packages of storage spaces , and flexible periods that the customer can all Ease of identifying what It suits him , and he has the right to see and know his stock of products, their types and their expiry date.

Packaging and processing service:

We provide in 'Istilam' the service of preparing the product and packaging it completely , with attention to minute details such as the expiration date , The condition of the product , the quality of the packaging, etc. , while making sure that it is wrapped safely and using high quality materials in order to reach our customers in a distinct and ideal condition. The Istilam team is committed to re - packaging the products in the event that their packaging is damaged during transportation to warehouses or their delivery . .

Returns Management Service:

Within the 'Istilam' services, we provide our customers with a return management service, within a set of solutions to help them increase the effectiveness of marketing their products on the widest scale, (We are also pleased in 'Istilam' to help our customers according to their desire and need to target a different market or change the appearance of their products Or develop them and work to increase their quality , working with our team of brand consultants as well as packaging suppliers , to suit the concept of their brand and their target group and increase the efficiency of the diverse marketing operations of our customers .)

Why 'Istilam'

Istilam , we make the process of storing, packaging and delivering products with the management of their returns a smooth and reliable process , and a safe and distinctive experience that fully aligns with all other store operations for our client, and our distinction is based on integrated factors of professionalism and efficiency, which is the secret of our success with our customers , including :

Why 'Istilam'
Track the shipment

Track the shipment

You can easily track the shipment with Istilam

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